With a SAFEonNET Employee insurance, an organization demonstrates to its staff that it stands with them and cares for their digital safety and well-being through the prevention and management of digital harassment in the workplace. The message is that, as an organization, no form of violation will be tolerated and support will always be provided to staff in overcoming difficulties and maintaining their professional and private integrity.
Our goal is to provide your staff with access to Denmark's most comprehensive knowledge universe in the prevention and management of work-related digital harassment. We are dedicated to educating and equipping your staff and management with the necessary tools and resources to handle both internal and external harassment factors and to create a safe and secure working environment.
*The figures are from among others Digital Responsibility and Epinion.
With SAFEonNET Employee, we empower your employees and leaders to navigate safely in the digital landscape with Denmark's most comprehensive knowledge universe for workplace-related digital harassment.
SAFEonNET® Employee
Access to knowledge and educational center
Employee Policy - knowledge and implementation
Training and certification of employees
Education and certification of management and HR
Insurance for employees against digital harassment
Handling of work-related digital harassment
Removal of offensive material from the internet
Burrying of infringing material from Google
Legal assessment and advice
Access to an AI chatbot trained on 20 years of experiences
Included in SAFEonNET Personnel, your organization gains access to SAFEonNET® badges for use in marketing.