


Digital threats and extortion – protect the business today

What are digital threats and extortion? It can be difficult to provide a straightforward answer, as it is a broad term that encompasses several phenomena.

Digital Threats and Extortion

What are digital threats and extortion? It can be difficult to give a definitive answer, as it is a broad concept that encompasses several phenomena. In the mainstream media, it is often portrayed that digital threats and extortion are organized cybercrime, where professional hackers attack your computer and demand money to release it again. However, digital threats and extortion can also occur on a more personal level, affecting both your privacy and your business. This is a problem that is often overlooked in the media – but one that one should be aware of and protect oneself against.

Threats of Negative and Bad Reviews

Digital threats are more than just those that an antivirus program can protect you against. As both our private and professional presence increases, the internet and what is available on it become more and more significant. Therefore, threats of negative reviews and bad publicity have become a reality. Both as a business and as an individual, one risks having someone threaten to spread bad publicity and harmful content on the internet.

It can be challenging to handle and dangerous to ignore such threats, as they can lead to overwhelming consequences if acted upon. Therefore, in many cases, it can be worthwhile to protect oneself against such digital threats and extortion.

The General Threat

The internet has become a crucial factor in our lives. Almost all of us use the internet, both privately and professionally. Thus, what is said about both individuals and businesses online is also of great importance. Especially for businesses, it is vital to maintain a neutral or positive online reputation. The many review sites and functions reinforce this trend. Online reviews are a double-edged sword. For consumers, it is nice to find out what others and previous customers think about the company, its services, and products. It can also be incredibly advantageous for a business if there are good reviews from satisfied customers. However, negative reviews can also have a significant adverse effect. There have actually been examples where bad publicity has compelled businesses to rebrand or even close down entirely. Therefore, the threat of bad publicity is quite real and something that every business should be aware of.

The Direct Threat

The general threat of bad publicity is one that all businesses must live with. However, a business can also be unfortunate enough to be subjected to direct threats. If a person has taken issue with the company, they may threaten the business with spreading negative publicity and/or writing bad reviews about it. This could be a disgruntled former employee threatening to post negative reviews about the company on various review sites. However, direct threats can come from many different parties, including clients, collaborators, employees, competitors, or anonymous individuals. What characterizes direct threats is that they are targeted at the individual business and contain a direct intention to harm the business and/or the people behind it. Therefore, a direct threat can seem more severe and have significant consequences for the business if not handled correctly.

Online Reviews are Crucial

As a business, it may be tempting to ignore the threats and hope that they won’t be taken seriously. However, this can also lead to significant consequences if the perpetrator is serious about their intention to harm the company and its reputation. Bad reviews and negative publicity can indeed have fatal consequences for a business – whether it is warranted or not. Even if a misunderstanding leads to the threats, and one believes that the perpetrator is acting unfairly, it is essential to take these threats seriously. Online reviews are crucial for business, whether one likes it or not. Many choose to search online before entering a partnership or making a purchase with a company. Therefore, a tarnished online reputation can result in scaring away potential customers and losing new orders.

Be Aware of the Snowball Effect

We live in a time where many businesses are subjected to real shitstorms. It often starts with a single customer’s experience or review, after which several others join in. This is due to the so-called snowball effect, which can be found on the internet, especially on social media. One can never be sure how many people actually see or share a post on social media. Before you know it, you can find yourself in a situation that is entirely out of control. It is incredibly unfortunate, especially if the content that starts it all is due to a personal grievance against the company. Therefore, one should always take digital threats seriously and react in the most appropriate manner to ensure that the threat is never carried out and harms the business.

Digital Extortion is a Reality

Because bad publicity can have such severe and fatal consequences, threats of spreading bad publicity can also develop into real extortion. In some cases, but not always, digital extortion is seen in connection with the threats. Extortion involves the company being instructed to act in a certain way, or else the threats will become a reality. This complicates the situation further, and the business must decide whether it would be sensible to meet the extortionist's demands. However, this can be difficult to assess, as the most appropriate response to extortion varies greatly depending on the individual situation. In some cases, it may indeed be necessary to meet the extortionist's demands to protect the company's reputation, while in other instances one might end up making matters worse and only being subjected to greater demands if one initially yields to the extortionist.

Significant Consequences – for Everyone

Being subjected to threats and extortion can be both dangerous and unpleasant. It can be challenging to know how to react. The situation can quickly spiral out of control if one missteps or acts hastily. Therefore, it can be incredibly stressful and mentally draining if one is the target of threats and extortion. You are not only responsible for the company's future success, but it is also a decision that can affect all employees. Thus, it can be extremely uncomfortable to find yourself in a situation where you are subjected to digital threats and extortion and have nowhere to seek help. Digital threats and extortion are issues that must be taken seriously by all parties, as they can have consequences for both the business and the people behind it.

What Can You Do?

When you are subjected to digital threats and extortion, you should always react. Ignoring the threats increases the likelihood that they will be taken seriously. How one should respond, however, very much depends on the individual situation. If one has no experience with digital threats and extortion, it can be incredibly challenging to figure out how and when to respond. Therefore, it can be a huge relief to receive professional help in handling these situations. With a professional partner, you gain relieving support while receiving competent and useful advice and guidance. Since a situation involving threats and extortion can have catastrophic outcomes if not handled correctly, one should always seek professional help for management.

Insurance Against Digital Threats and Extortion

Protecting oneself against digital threats and extortion can be difficult. Fortunately, with the help of insurance from SAFEonNET®, one can protect the business and its employees against exactly that. With insurance, you are assured of receiving professional help from experts in the field if you receive threats or are extorted. The team at SAFEonNET® specializes in crisis communication and online reputation, which is why they can offer the necessary help. With them by your side, you ensure that the business does not suffer losses due to bad publicity and negative reviews, and that employees are not subjected to stressful and unpleasant situations. If you want to ensure that digital threats and extortion against the business are always managed effectively and correctly, then you should take out insurance. It is something that will benefit both the business and employees.

Competent Help for Management

The right handling of threats and digital extortion can make a world of difference. As mentioned, one should never ignore the situation but rather try to minimize damages with the right handling. With help from experts, you will be guided on what would be most appropriate to do in your specific situation. Depending on the situation, different measures may be the most effective when it comes to managing digital threats and extortion. With the experts at SAFEonNET® by your side, you receive help and support at every step of the way. Insurance does not guarantee that you will not fall victim to digital threats and extortion. However, you are assured of competent help and professional advice from experienced experts to minimize the consequences and harmful effects.

Has the Damage Already Been Done?

If the damage has already been done, and you have received bad publicity as a result of digital threats and extortion, then insurance may not be very useful. Fortunately, you can also receive help from the experts at SAFEonNET® when the damage has already occurred. If there is negative publicity online, you can try to get it removed. If that does not succeed, you can attempt to bury it so that it does not appear visibly in search engine top results. If the damage has already occurred, there is no reason to give up. With help from SAFEonNET®, the harmful effects of digital threats and extortion can be minimized – whether the damage has already occurred or not.

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© 2025 SAFEonNET® · Strandvejen 8, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark · CVR: 27045294

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© 2025 SAFEonNET® · Strandvejen 8, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark · CVR: 27045294

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