Fake news - effective protection of the company's staff
Fake news in English is a term and phenomenon that has truly come to the forefront in recent years.
Fake News
Fake news or "fake news" in English is a concept and a phenomenon that has truly come to the forefront in recent years. Especially around the presidential election in 2016, where a lot of false stories were written about both candidates, both the media and the general public became aware of the issue. The invented and untrue stories that are sent out as news articles can influence opinions on false grounds and weaken the general trust in the media. However, it is not only on a large scale during presidential elections and for companies, but also for individuals, that fake news can arise with harmful consequences. With insurance from SAFEonNET®, you can protect your company's employees and their families against the harmful effects of fake news with help from Denmark's leading experts in the field.
Fake news is in many ways a product of our modern world and lifestyle. The internet plays a significant role in many people's everyday lives and serves in many ways as a goldmine of easily accessible information. Whether one is Googling, scrolling through the news, or engaging on social media, one is constantly bombarded with information of all kinds about organizations, companies, and other individuals. Therefore, the internet, and particularly social media, create favorable conditions for the spread of both real and fake news. Precisely because fake news can have consequences on both a large and small scale and is itself an attack on democracy, it has quickly become a significant issue, which in some cases is equated with famine, poverty, and climate challenges. Therefore, it is a phenomenon that is important to be aware of for anyone who understands the importance of a good digital reputation.
What is fake news?
It is inherent in the word that fake news consists of untrue and fabricated stories that purport to be news. They are often posted on a site that looks like a legitimate news media outlet but is not registered with the press council and is therefore not subject to the same rules and requirements as established media. Many fake news stories are characterized by being professionally made and set up in the same way as a real news article, thus quickly misleading the reader. At the same time, it is a fact that very few take the time and energy to check the source of a story before liking and/or sharing it. Therefore, in our modern age with rapid information dissemination and the dominance of social media, fake news has favorable conditions for spreading at rocket speed and having a significant impact on a given debate or influencing the perception of a person or company.
A product of our modern society
Getting others to believe in information, whether it is true or not, is a powerful tool. This is particularly the case in our modern society, where we are largely dependent on a constant flow of news. The phenomenon of fake news likely has its roots as far back as 1439, when the first printing press made its debut. But it is especially in our modern time and society that fake news has assumed a large and decisive role. Previously, there were limits to how much exposure one could achieve if one was not a recognized and established newspaper or media outlet. The internet, and particularly social media, has changed that. Today, it is indeed possible for almost anyone to create and spread misinformation in society. Hence, the entire issue surrounding fake news is relatively new, but nonetheless something that requires our attention highly.
Social media ensures massive exposure
Social media is a double-edged sword. For while on the one hand, you can constantly stay updated while online and engage with issues on the other side of the world, you can also risk being misinformed. That anyone can upload a funny video of their pet on Facebook or YouTube and achieve massive, international exposure may seem harmless enough. But if one were to swap that content with fake news of a political nature or a damaging rumour about a specific individual, resulting in misinformation rather than entertainment, the potential consequences are clear. Therefore, Google and Facebook significantly contribute to creating these favorable conditions for fake news. When you are on social media, nearly anyone can achieve great exposure, and thus, you often see that fake news spreads at a pace where it is impossible to stop them before it's already too late. An example of how bad it can get is evident in the American election campaign of 2016. On platforms like Twitter and Facebook, a story was spread claiming that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were running a child prostitution ring from a pizzeria in Washington D.C. This led to a citizen, believing the story was true, firing a rifle into the restaurant. Fortunately, he did not hit anyone, but it is a clear example of the power one has when one can disguise false information as real news and disseminate it to a larger audience.
Fake news is a threat to democracy
Fake news is a powerful tool for shaping opinions, even if based on false facts. Often, the fake news will have substantial news value and appeal to pathos rather than logos, ensuring quick and widespread dissemination on social media. In some cases, fake news can have just as harmful an effect as real negative publicity, as a company, politician, or another third party risks being judged for something they did not do. As described in the example above, one risks misleading individuals who may react inappropriately based on the misinformation. Therefore, it can be said with certainty that the phenomenon of fake news is a threat to the democratic debate. This is especially true because fake news significantly reduce trust in both real and established media. A poll published by Jyllands-Posten shows that no less than one in four Danes have become less trusting of the media after recent years' discussions regarding fake news. This makes it difficult for the media to act as the watchdogs of democracy, or the fourth estate, as they are also called. Therefore, fake news can ultimately turn out to be a serious threat to democracy and the general political debate.
Who is affected by fake news?
Fake news can have an impact on presidential elections and the democratic debate on a large scale. But on a smaller scale, fake news can also target ordinary companies and private individuals. Since everyone can share and spread information online and on social media, everyone can be affected. Some of the news is written and posted solely to attract clicks to a specific blog or site, making money from ad views. However, the motive can also be to influence an opinion on an issue or target an individual or company with whom one is angry. Therefore, it can easily happen that false information is spread about a person or company to damage their online reputation. For example, in 2017, DSB was accused by a certain Felix Andersen of having treated an old lady without a ticket disrespectfully. This sent DSB into a minor shitstorm, and it was only later revealed that Felix Andersen was a fake profile on Facebook and that the anecdote was entirely untrue. Hence, almost anyone can feel the significant and harmful consequences of fake news spreading.
Major problems for private individuals
When false news about a private individual spreads, it can have great consequences, both mentally and practically. The situation may originate from an ex-partner or someone else wishing to harm a person, writing a fake news article and posting it online. This could for instance be an article about how a person has been involved in crime or other things that present them in a bad light. It is not only incredibly hard to cope with the spread of such lies, but it can also have direct consequences as others read the content. For example, if one is seeking a job or starting their own business, it can be a significant hindrance if false news appears under one’s name on search engines. Precisely because digital reputation is becoming increasingly important for a private person's success, especially in a career context, the threat of fake news also becomes larger and more serious.
Protect your staff and their families against fake news and misinformation
A positive reputation is vital for individuals looking to succeed. Fake news tarnishes the digital reputation and is, at the same time, incredibly difficult to eliminate. Since the internet takes an incredibly long time to forget, one risks being judged for a lie that has been spread a long time ago for almost their entire life. When fake news is discovered, it is not only about managing and minimizing the immediate consequences but also the long-term effects. If one becomes a victim of lies and fake stories, it is thus a good idea to have Denmark's leading experts on your side.
As a company, you can insure your staff and their families against fake news with insurance from SAFEonNET®. Since online threats have a direct impact on a person’s and family’s mental health, it will also benefit the company if the entire staff can sleep soundly at night. With insurance from SAFEonNET®, the victim is assured competent and professional advice and assistance, minimizing the unpleasant situation as much as possible. By spreading positive and genuine content, one can bury the negative and false coverage so that it does not have such significant repercussions.
The fact is that everyone from Donald Trump to DSB can become a victim of fake news and its harmful effects. Therefore, it is a good idea for Danish companies to protect their employees and their families against fake news and its resulting consequences with insurance from SAFEonNET®.