Fake profiles and information – protect yourself against misuse
More and more people are finding profiles on social media that either impersonate them or have misused their images and information to create a fabricated person.
Fake Profiles and Information
More and more people are finding profiles on social media that either impersonate them or have misused their images and information to create a fictitious person. This occurs because, today, it requires nothing more than an email address to create a user profile on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Tinder. Despite the fact that identity theft is generally illegal, the creation of fake profiles is somewhat of a legal grey area, and as a result, one cannot always rely on government intervention when discovering a fake profile. Even the social media platforms themselves can take a long time to respond if you find that your information or identity is being misused. With insurance from SAFEonNET®, you ensure the company and its staff against becoming victims of fake profiles and information.
We live in an information society where the internet and social media constitute a large part of our daily lives. The internet acts in many ways as an inexhaustible source of information, where one can find knowledge and news about virtually everything. Although there are many advantages to being online and engaging on social media, it also involves certain risks and has its shadow sides. One example of this is the fake news that is widely circulating on social media and has such significant influence as seen in the 2016 United States presidential election. But even ordinary people can fall victim to false information and misuse of personal data online. This often happens through fake profiles that misuse or share sensitive information, particularly on social media.
What is a fake profile?
Fake user profiles are predominantly seen on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. A fake profile is a profile that either represents a person who does not exist in reality or pretends to be someone else. As an ordinary person, you may thus risk that there are profiles on social media that use your name and images and share false information. A fake profile that bears your name, for instance, can post updates, comments, and react to other posts in such a way that you are placed in a negative or poor light. In this way, fake profiles can also be used for bullying among both children and adults. A fake profile that, for example, pretends to be a non-existent person can also be used to spread false information about a person or business. Even if the information is false, it can, like fake news, be spread quickly and thereby have long-lasting and damaging consequences.
The Purpose of Fake Profiles
There can be several reasons for creating fake profiles in your name or with your information. For instance, they can be used by a person wishing for anonymity to make fun of another person. The purpose may also be to befriend some of the same people that the real person is friends with, only to extort money or sensitive information from them. This is particularly the case if the fake profile bears the same name as the genuine one, as it can create a false sense of security among the targeted victims. Last but not least, the purpose of a fake profile can also be to serve as a mask for so-called stalkers who want to keep tabs on others' lives from a distance, such as ex-partners. Regardless of the intent behind fake profiles, it is clear that one should respond if one sees a fake profile that misuses either your images, your information and name, or both.
What can you do if you discover a fake profile?
Fake profiles are a relatively new phenomenon that has arisen in connection with the proliferation and active use of the internet, particularly social media. Because most social platforms want to attract as many users as possible, it has become far too easy to create a profile. In many cases, it requires nothing more than an email address, and you can then input a variety of information such as name, birthday, and address and upload images without having to prove it with, for example, ID. Therefore, it is both quick and easy to create a fake user profile and/or spread false information. At the same time, it is incredibly difficult to do something about it, because even if you report a fake profile to, say, Facebook, a new one can quickly be created if the first is deleted.
It is fundamentally illegal to misuse another's information and to impersonate someone else. However, it is incredibly challenging to detect fake profiles and find out who is behind them. Therefore, it is quite rare that one can take the legal route when falling victim to false information and/or data. And even if it succeeds, it can become a lengthy and time-consuming process, and in the meantime, the fake profile has the opportunity to spread more information and reactions on social media.
Protect the Company and its Employees
With insurance from SAFEonNET®, your company and all its employees are protected against fake profiles and information. The company can be affected in such a way that fake profiles can post negative reviews based on false premises and report negative events that never occurred. An employee can become a victim of identity theft if a fake profile is created in that person's name with or without images and information. If you have insurance from SAFEonNET®, you receive assistance from Denmark's leading digital experts as soon as a problem is detected. This way, damages are contained more quickly, and both the company and its employees can feel secure. Since fake profiles and information are a growing phenomenon that can affect anyone, it is advantageous to secure insurance against digital threats now.