


Revenge porn – Sharing private and intimate content

Revenge porn is a phenomenon where private and intimate images are leaked, shared, and spread on the internet. The term 'revenge porn' stems from the fact that it is often former boyfriends and partners who share the images to hurt the victim.

Revenge porn is a phenomenon where private and intimate images are leaked, shared, and spread on the internet. The term "revenge porn" arises from the fact that it is primarily ex-lovers and partners who share the images to harm the victim. Although sharing pornographic material without the consent of those involved is illegal, it is difficult to effectively combat revenge porn, as content spreads quickly on the internet, and it can be hard to track down the perpetrator. With insurance from SAFEonNET®, you can ensure your employees and their families receive the best and most competent assistance in the case of revenge porn.

Having intimate and private images of oneself shared without consent is a serious violation that can have severe consequences. Not only must one deal with the psychological burdens of embarrassment and shame, but the pornographic material can also impact future career opportunities and relationships. At the same time, the internet provides new opportunities for disseminating images and videos across platforms, making it nearly impossible to remove them again. Therefore, revenge porn is a serious, difficult, and unfortunate situation to end up in. If you are insured through SAFEonNET®, you are guaranteed the best help if you should become a victim of revenge porn.

What is revenge porn?

Revenge porn consists of digital sexual violations and is defined as the publication of nude images or videos as a form of retaliation. It is primarily the ex-partners or former partners with whom these images have been shared, who are behind the publication. Having such images published is in itself a serious violation, but the situation often takes on an additional dimension if personal details such as name, address, age, mobile number, and links to social profiles are also published in conjunction with the images, e.g., on a dedicated revenge porn website. 

Significant and long-lasting consequences for the victim

Revenge porn is a phenomenon that has emerged alongside our vigorous use of the internet and social media. It is also the advent of smartphones with cameras and image chats such as Snapchat that leads to the capture of private images in the first place. At the same time, the constant online presence provides optimal conditions for spreading nude images and videos. As mentioned earlier, dedicated revenge porn websites have emerged where images can be made available to millions of people while the perpetrators remain anonymous. There have also been several examples in our own country of closed groups being created on social media such as Facebook, solely for the purpose of spreading and sharing revenge porn material. Last but not least, the internet has the downside that it does not forget. Even if compromising content is removed from a specific website, it can still sometimes be found via search engines like Google. Although the presence of the internet is in many ways an improvement in our lives, it can also amplify the consequences of criminal acts, e.g., in connection with revenge porn.

What can be done about revenge porn?

According to Danish law, it is illegal and punishable to share nude images and videos of a person without that person’s explicit consent. Unfortunately, the internet and the lack of transparency on social media make it incredibly difficult to identify who initially spread the images. Precisely because sharing often occurs in closed forums, one may also risk that a long time passes before even discovering that private and compromising images are circulating. When one becomes aware of it, it is important to react quickly. By acting quickly, one can limit the damage, so that as few people as possible see the material. If you discover that you have become a victim of revenge porn, you may choose to pursue a legal route, but this is often a cumbersome and lengthy process to have the content removed. Although many social media platforms have strict rules against sharing images and videos of naked individuals, it is hard to enforce. And even if the material is removed, there is never a guarantee that it won't be uploaded and shared on other websites.

Protect your staff and their families

At SAFEonNET®, a group of digital experts is ready to assist victims of revenge porn in the most effective and appropriate manner. With insurance from SAFEonNET®, you can protect your company’s staff and their families from revenge porn, ensuring they have access to competent help should the unfortunate occur. What the optimal handling of a revenge porn situation is will depend entirely on the specific circumstances. But with insurance from SAFEonNET®, you can be assured that you and your employees have the country's leading experts on your side. The compromising content will initially be attempted to be removed. If that is not successful, efforts will largely focus on burying the content, making it harder to find on search engines. In this way, damage from revenge porn can be minimized as much as possible.

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© 2025 SAFEonNET® · Strandvejen 8, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark · CVR: 27045294

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© 2025 SAFEonNET® · Strandvejen 8, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark · CVR: 27045294

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